The most important thing you should know about immigration to Germany through asylum or marriage
The most important thing you should know about immigration to Germany through asylum or marriage

immigration to Germany through asylum
or marriage

immigration to Germany through asylum
or marriage
To be eligible to immigrate to Germany, a person must have the following criteria: Proof of ability to cover the costs of immigration to Germany. To immigrate to Germany for any purpose, the applicant must prove their financial status and they must prove that they are able to cover their expenses in Germany, even if a person entered through a work visa in Germany.
If you enter Germany on a work search visa, it can cover the initial living expenses to get a salary in Germany. Basically, a person must have 8 to 10 thousand euros to immigrate to Germany for a period of one to three months depending on the immigration method in his account. This account must be in a trusted bank and a short-term account. Providing health or medical insurance for immigration to Germany.
The applicant cannot immigrate to Germany without health insurance and they must have a health insurance certificate to immigrate to Germany. German language proficiency. The person must reach the level of the German language according to his method of immigration and present a language certificate.
Immigration to Germany through asylum:
After the German takeover of your asylum procedure is completed, the decision of the Federal Police will be sent to you officially. If you have legal counsel, your attorney will receive this letter. If your application for German asylum is rejected, you must leave Germany on the date specified in the letter and leave Germany if you do not leave voluntarily. However, if your application is accepted, you have a German residence permit. You between 1 and 3 years have the opportunity to live in the country through asylum.
With regard to German refugee status, we find that refugee status is not the correct and safe way to immigrate and there are always risks and damages, so we recommend that you apply for immigration to Germany to take advantage of other immigration methods instead of obtaining German asylum and before taking any action, consult with immigration experts.
Immigration to Germany through marriage:
The minimum age for marriage in Germany is 18, but people between 16 and 18 years of age are also allowed to marry with the permission of the parent. If someone is already married and wants to remarry, they will need proof of the completion or dissolution of the previous marriage contract such as a spouse's death certificate or divorce. Also, if a non-German citizen and a citizen of the state wish to marry in Germany, the non-German spouse can enter the country for a period of three to six months by applying for a tourist visa and holding their own ceremonies.
Individuals can also become citizens of Germany through marriage, to obtain German residency and immigrate to Germany through marriage, they must prove that they have the possibility of obtaining an appropriate level of income to cover their expenses and their spouse, as well as possessing a degree and knowledge of the German language. The duration of obtaining citizenship or residency through marriage may vary in countries. Dear friends, we hope that the above items are useful. You can contact our law firms if you have any questions about obtaining German citizenship and immigrating to Germany through marriage and obtaining the necessary information.