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All the information that interests you about immigration to Lithuania related to personal matters (marriage - birth)


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Immigration to Lithuania

All the information that interests you about immigration to Lithuania related to personal matters (marriage - birth)

Many people may not even know what Lithuania is, and on which continent even that country is located. But those who seek emigration to a better place that respects human rights and enjoys a comfortable life know Lithuania very well. This is because it is one of the European countries that provide all this. And for those who do not know the value of the country of Lithuania in the world of immigration, and for those who do know as well, we decided to present this article that talks about the most important information about immigration to it related to personal matters (marriage - birth), which qualifies you to do the matter if you desire it with the utmost ease. But let's first get to know some important and simple information about Lithuania that will undoubtedly make you happy to benefit from the article.

The most important information about Lithuania:

Lithuania is located in Northern Europe. Lithuania is adjacent to Latvia from the north, from the southeast with Belarus and from the southwest with Poland and Russia. Because of the development in technology, communications and foreign investment, it enjoys relatively good prosperity and a high level of employment. Its capital is Vilnius. It has a population of nearly three and a half million people. Its area is approximately sixty-five thousand square kilometers. Its official language is Lithuanian.

Conditions for immigration to Lithuania through birth:

 Trace nationality from two systems: soil and blood. According to the law of soil any child who is born in the land of that country is automatically given the citizenship of that country. However, according to the blood law, the nationality of a born child is directly affected by the nationality and religion of his parents. All countries follow one of these two systems. According to the laws of Lithuania, any child born to a Lithuanian father and a Lithuanian mother, even if the child was born outside Lithuania, will have Lithuanian citizenship. This means if any child born to Lithuanian parents in any country counts as a Lithuanian citizen. Also, a child who was born in Lithuania, but whose mother and father are unknown, also has Lithuanian citizenship.

Conditions for immigration to Lithuania through marriage:

To immigrate to Lithuania through marriage, the applicant must obtain an invitation letter from the Lithuanian citizen who wants to marry him.

Also, the applicant must master some of the required qualifications and conditions, which we explain to you in the following:

Must be a resident of Lithuania for two years. In other words, he must have completed two years of his legal residence.

A person's residence permit is valid for another year

In order to obtain permanent residency, you must meet the required conditions set by the police officer

In the following cases, it will not be mandatory to fulfill the above qualifications, and a person can join a husband or wife.

A foreigner who entered Lithuania as a refugee.

Scholars who have permanent residence in Lithuania or teachers who have entered higher levels of higher education.