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The three most important ways to immigrate to Britain

 The three most important ways to immigrate to Britain

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immigrate to Britain

Britain is distinguished from the rest of the world in that it is considered among the countries that receives the most immigrants to it, especially from North Africa and Arabs in general. Immigration to Britain is a dream of millions of young people around the world, and at the forefront of these young people we find the Arab youth, who see Britain as a land Dreams and opportunities, and in general, Britain provides many opportunities to immigrate to it, and this is to work, study and live in it for tens of thousands around the world annually through several legal ways in which many immigrants can go to Britain. Therefore, we decided in this article to explain the three most important ways to immigrate to Britain that provide convenient opportunities for this matter. So that it is easy to use any of them in order to reach and stay in Britain.

Immigrate to Britain using a work visa:

1- A proof document from the employer or operator in Britain.

2- A valid passport.

3- Bank statements showing that you have saved at least 945 euros during the past three months, or alternatively you provide a certificate proving your hosting.

4- Translate all the documents that will be asked of you into English, and the translation must be certified.

5- You may be required to submit additional documents, and this changes from one country to another and to the social status of the applicant for immigration.

6- Your fingerprints and some photos will be taken at the Visa Application Center in order to enable you to obtain the biometric residence permit.

7- Upon acceptance, you will be able to obtain a biometric residence permit within approximately 10 days before your arrival in Britain.

Immigrate to Britain using a tourist visa

1- A working passport with blank pages and a copy of the pages used from it.

2- Two passport-sized photos for a British visa.

3- An account statement from the bank for a period of 6 months or a means to prove income.

4- A letter from the work that you work for them with the details of your work or a document in your commercial register in case you work for a private business.

6- Reservations for both airline tickets and hotels.

7- All documents shall be translated by a certified translation into English.

Immigrate to Britain when you are a BA student
This is done once the following papers are prepared:

1- The student must have obtained an IB or A-Level or equivalent.

2- A copy of the secondary certificate.

3- He must have no less than 5.5 in IELTS (according to the specialty).

4- A copy of the passport, valid for at least 6 months.

5- A letter of financial support for the delegated student.

6- The non-delegated student will be required to pay part of the tuition fees before receiving the visa letter.

7- Biography.

8- Proof of completion of all medical examinations.

9- A copy of the previous residence/residency in Britain.